Language Interpreters and Translators Benefit from Training and Resources
Interpreting is much more than the simple exchange of words. Highly skilled interpreters must understand the communicative process, the intent of a language interaction and
Interpreting is much more than the simple exchange of words. Highly skilled interpreters must understand the communicative process, the intent of a language interaction and
Interpreting is much more than the simple exchange of words. Highly skilled interpreters must understand the communicative process, the intent of a language interaction and
Professional Language Services Supports Access and Equity Season’s greetings to you and yours. The past year has seen tremendous uncertainty and change throughout the world
Professional Interpreters Work Statewide with Teachers, Administrators and School Staff Minnesota’s K-12 academic year is underway, and schools are preparing for their fall Parent-Teacher conferences.
Dual Language Accuracy and Cultural Awareness Benefit Students The need for language access support in all areas of education continues to grow, and research shows participation in
Interpreters Provide Language Support for Students and Families Minnesota’s 2024-25 academic year kicks off this month, and K-12 schools throughout the state are preparing for
Interpreting and Translation Services Support Community Engagement Hennepin County’s 2021 Climate Action Plan outlines strategies and goals to address greenhouse gas emissions and the disproportionate and